캘리포니아국제문화대학(오클랜드 분점) Intercultural Institute of California (Oakland Branch)
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 캘리포니아국제문화대학(오클랜드 분점) 소개
General English Program

The General English courses at IIC account for the four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Students enrolled in our General English courses take a Speaking and Listening course, as well as a Reading and Writing course. The courses are taught using communicative teaching methods.

Additionally, the General English courses follow the Northstar textbook and curriculum. Students practice grammar skills and use new vocabulary through the use of interesting and informative texts, as well as group work, projects and discussion. Students are also given personal attention and encouraged to organize and express ideas clearly.

Students may choose between taking a 4-day mornings-only schedule, or a 2-day full-day schedule.

Specialty Classes

IIC also currently offers ESL students three specialty classes: iBT TOEFL, GRE/GMAT and Business English.

IIC’s intensive iBT TOEFL Preparation Program is designed to help students acquire the skills and confidence necessary to achieve a high iBT TOEFL score.

IIC instructors give special emphasis on iBT TOEFL test-taking strategies for the new iBT TOEFL test.


In the GRE/GMAT course, students are introduced to the format, sections, question types, instructions and administration of both the GRE and GMAT portion of the exam. Students are also taught test-taking strategies. For success on the test, the course introduces academic English vocabulary and reinforces knowledge of English grammar. The curriculum helps students to improve reading speed and comprehension as well as improve timed essay writing. Mathematical subjects such as geometry, algebra, and arithmetic are also taught in the course.

Business English

IIC currently offers two Business English courses; Intermediate Business English and Advanced Business English. Both courses follow the Market Leader textbook and curriculum. Students who are interested in taking the Business English intermediate course must place into at least a B2-level. 비즈니스 영어 고급 과정을 복용에 관심있는 학생들은 C1 수준에 걸거나 이미 비즈니스 영어 사전 과정을 완료 한 것을 의도의 편지를 작성하고 사본을 보여줌으로써 자신의 전 비즈니스 영어 지식을 증명해야합니다,en. Students enrolled in the BE courses develop the communication skills necessary to navigate and succeed in the business world. The textbooks present case studies and new vocabulary for students to apply in the workplace.