상항 은혜병원·이교덕내과 Asian American Grace Meical Clinic
평점: 2.0
검색키워드 : 해외여행자보험, 메디칼, 메디케어, Healthy Net-PPO, Healthy Familes Program(B/C HMO), Blue Cross, Blue Shield, 영주권 신체검사,
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aromaoh46 2012-05-07 품질 : 2 서비스 : 2 가격 : 2
Tests done during the 1st visiting and hypertension medicine assigned during 2nd visiting. When the patient made the 3rd visiting for bad headache, doctor wrote duplicated prescription accidently, consequent mistake of not having proper medical record. When the patient made the 4th visiting for duplicated prescription, office visiting fee was still charged w/o making any apologizing. Also, he told the patient to continue on the same medicine with Tylenol for the headache. When the patient made a claim on office visiting fee the doctor said "you should pay my hour". He is the one who should pay for patient's wasting time caused by his mistake. + The office never made a receipt for paying with cash!