광넷 KwangNet
평점: 5.0
교육, 학원, 가정교사 > 컴퓨터학원 
전화: 408-987-5460
휴대전화: 408-460-1059
홈페이지: http://www.kwangnet.com
이메일: kpsungkwangnet.com
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 영업 시간
Mon - Sun, 9:00 a.m - 9:30 p.m.
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 광넷 소개
KwangNet is a premiere technical training and consulting company dedicated to helping students and professionals in network security technologies and passing certifications, such as the CCNA.

Unmatchable prices offered on training and certification preparation. Our unique philosophy is to enable individuals to afford training out-of-pocket while building a strong community.

Enjoy affordable Hands-on experience over Months .....not days.
 알림 글
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