데오그래픽스 Deographics
평점: 5.0
전화, 인터넷, 컴퓨터 > 웹사이트 제작 
전화: 415-398-3802
팩스: 415-777-8599
홈페이지: http://deographics.com
이메일: deomasterplangmail.com
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검색키워드 : 웹사이트 제작, 디자인, 프로모션, ecommerce, CSS, HTML coding
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Mon-Fri 9am- 5pm
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 데오그래픽스 소개
We incorporate experience, flexibility, and personal service to cater each of our client’s projects. At Deographics we invigorate client’s online branding through vibrant designs, fusing that with the latest online technology. With concept comes development, delivering on schedule through planning and consultation. We place emphasis on design and creativity, so each finished product has the high-end aesthetics backed up with full functionality. Our clients are all over the world and some of our satisfied clients include Transamerica Building, Azusa Pacific University, Samsung, Hyundai, and Hitchsters.com.

 보유 기술
HTML, Web Applications, CSS, Ecommerce, Liquid designers, Joomla, LAMP platforms, Wordpress.