Boden Law Firm Boden Law Firm
평점: 5.0
법률, 회계, 공증, 변리 > 변호사 
전화: 408-330-0300
휴대전화: 408-390-8487
팩스: 408-330-0013
홈페이지: http://bodenlawfirm.com
이메일: andrewbodenlawfirm.com
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검색키워드 : Personal Injury
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Mon-Fri: 9:00AM~6:00PM
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 Boden Law Firm 소개

No one expects them but accidents happen. If you are in an accident, what you say and do can affect your recovery.

If an accident happens:
1. Call 911 to get help for anyone who is injured 2. Do not discuss the accident with anyone, except to answer questions asked by police officers.
3. Do not take any blame for the accident.
4. Call Boden Law Firm for a free consultation. We will explain your legal rights and duties, and fight to get you the maximum recovery for your injuries.

After the accident:
Call us immediately: As time passes, evidence can get lost and memories fade. Also, there are deadlines to make claims. Delay can cost you money!
See a doctor immediately: Your injuries could be worse than you think Do not talk to the other side’s insurer without consulting us: You are not required to speak to them Do not sign anything without consulting us: What you sign could lower your recovery.
You need a lawyer’s help: Insurance adjusters work for the insurance company. Their job is to pay you as little as possible. We work for you.

Andrew S. Bae
3333 Bowers Ave. Ste#160
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Direct: 408-390-8487
Office: 408-330-0300
Fax: 408-330-0013
 전문 분야
Specialize in Auto Accident.