순번 업소 명 City
1701 크라루프 오로라민박 Krak?w
1702 브로츠와프 민들레민박 Wrocław
1703 리스본 벨라 리스보아 Lisboa
1704 부카레스트 벧엘민박 Bucuresti
1705 부카레스트 로뎀하우스 Bucharest
1706 부카레스트 니모민박 Bucarest
1707 자그레브민박 Zagreb
1708 브뤼셀 나그네민박 Koekelberg
1709 빌니우스 리투아니아민박 Vilnius
1710 헬싱키 휘바민박 Helsinki
1711 Youth Station HostelYouth Station Hostel Rome
1712 Young and Happy Hostel ParisYoung and Happy Hostel Paris paris
1713 Windsor House HotelWindsor House Hotel London
1714 Way HostelWay Hostel Madrid
1715 Twincities hostel RomeTwincities hostel Rome Rome
1716 Tourist House BattisteroTourist House Battistero Florence
1717 Tinas London GuesthouseTinas London Guesthouse London
1718 Three Little Pigs HostelThree Little Pigs Hostel Berlin
1719 The YellowThe Yellow Rome
1720 Surtees HotelSurtees Hotel London
1721 sunshine roomssunshine rooms Rome
1722 Sunshine 1Sunshine 1 Rome
1724 St Athans HotelSt Athans Hotel London
1726 Soggiorno PittiSoggiorno Pitti Florence
1727 Smart Hyde Park ViewSmart Hyde Park View London
1728 Savannah GuestHouseSavannah GuestHouse Rome
1729 Sara HotelSara Hotel London
1730 Salvador B&BSalvador B&B Rome
1731 RomeBedRomeBed Rome
1732 Roma Inn 2000Roma Inn 2000 Rome
1733 RIXPACK Hostel NeukollnRIXPACK Hostel Neukolln Berlin
1734 RiverbanksRiverbanks Florence
1735 Residenza BelliResidenza Belli Rome
1736 Quadra Key ResidenceQuadra Key Residence Firenze
1737 Poliziano innPoliziano inn Rome
1738 Piccadilly BackpackersPiccadilly Backpackers London
1739 Pfefferbett HostelPfefferbett Hostel Berlin
1740 Perfect HostelPerfect Hostel Paris
1741 Pegasus Hostel BerlinPegasus Hostel Berlin Berlin
1742 Peace & Love HostelPeace & Love Hostel Paris
1743 Paris NamdemunParis Namdemun Vitry Sur Seine
1744 PalazzuoloPalazzuolo Florence
1745 Ostello Gallo D'OroOstello Gallo D'Oro Florence
1746 Odyssee HostelOdyssee Hostel Berlin
1747 O'callaghan's Backpacker's HostelO'callaghan's Backpacker's Hostel Kensington
1748 Nicolas InnNicolas Inn Rome
1749 Natural Guest HouseNatural Guest House Rome
1750 MuchoMadridMuchoMadrid Madrid
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