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[한글 문제 1] [한글 문제 2] [한글 문제 3] [한글 문제 4] [한글 문제 5]
[영문 문제 1] [영문 문제 2]
[표지판 문제 1] [표지판 문제 2]
  1. It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is _____ or higher.
    0.10% - One tenth of one percent
    0.08% - Eight hundredths of one percent
    0.05% - Five hundredths of one percent.
  2. You must notify DMV within 5 days if you:
    Are cited for a traffic violation.
    Paint your vehicle a different color
    Sell or transfer vehicle
  3. The maximum speed limit for ideal driving condition is:
    The speed of other vehicles traveling in your direction.
    The posted speed for the road or freeway you are using.
    Whatever speed you feel is safe for you and your vehicle
  4. If you cannot stop safely at a yellow traffic light, you should:
    Stop your vehicles traveling in your direction
    Enter the intersection cautiously and continue across
    Stop your vehicle in the intersection and back up carefully
  5. You are crossing an intersection and an emergency vehicle is approaching with a siren and flashing lights. You should:
    Stop immediately in the intersection until it passes.
    Pull to the right in the intersection and stop.
    Continue through the intersection, pull to the right, and stop
  6. If your cell phone rings while you are driving and you do not have a hands-free device, you should:
    Answer the call because it may be an emergency
    Let the call go to voice mail
    Check the incoming number before answering the call.
  7. You are entering a freeway. You should check traffic by:
    Looking over your shoulder
    Using the inside and outside mirrors only
    Checking all mirrors and turning your head
  8. You may legally turn right on a solid red light:
    Only after slowing, down and checking traffic
    Could be hidden in your blind spots
    Usually have the right-of-way
  9. You must carefully watch for bicycles in traffic lanes because they:
    Must ride facing oncoming traffic.
    Could be hidden in your blind spots
    Usually have the right-of-way
  10. When sharing the road with a light rail vehicle, you:
    May not drive in the lane next to the light rail vehicle
    Should monitor all traffic signals closely because light rail vehicles can interrupt traffic signals
    May turn in front of an approaching light rail vehicle at an uncontrolled intersection
  11. If the road is wet from a heavy rain, you should:
    Use the "two second" following distance rule.
    Drive one vehicle-length behind the vehicle ahead
    Increase the distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead.
  12. You must yield to a pedestrian using a white cane or guide dog:
    Only when a guide dog is leading the person across a street.
    Only when the pedestrian is obeying traffic controls
    At all times
  13. Collisions tend to happen when
    All vehicles are traveling near or at the same speed
    One lane of traffic is traveling much slower than the others
    One vehicle is traveling faster or slower than the flow of traffic
  14. Large trucks are most likely to lose speed and cause a hazard:
    On long, gradual curves
    Going up long or steep hills
    Going down long gradual hills
  15. When driving in the far right lane of a freeway, you:
    Should expect merging vehicles at on-ramps.
    Must be driving slower than other traffic.
    Must give the right-of-way to merging traffic
  16. When should you use your headlights?
    One hour before sunset until one hour after sunrise
    Any time you can't see at least two miles ahead
    Any time you have troubles seeing others or being seen
  17. Driving alone the right-rear side of another vehicle is:
    Dangerous because you're probably in one of the driver's blind spots
    A good defensive driving technique to avoid driver's blind spots
    A good way to maintain a space cushion on your left side
  18. You should not pass another vehicle:
    Where someone is likely to enter or cross the road
    On a multilane one-way street
    When a broken, yellow line is on the left side of your lane
  19. Unless prohibited by a sign, you may legally make a u-turn:
    At an intersection with a green light
    At an intersection on a one-way street
    In front of a fire station
  20. Driving slowly in front of traffic in the far left (fast) lane on any freeway:
    Can frustrate other drivers and make them angry
    Cannot result in a traffic citation.
    Saves lives by causing others to slow down, too.
  21. Solid yellow lines separate:
    Traffic lanes on one-way streets.
    Bicycle lanes from regular traffic
    Vehicles traveling in opposite directions
  22. Which child requires a child passenger restraint system?
    A six-year old who is 4 feet 7 inches tall
    A seven-year old who is 4 feet 7 inches tall.
    An eight-year old who is 4 feet 9 inches tall
  23. You are on a two-way street with two lanes in each direction. To turn left, start the turn in:
    Any lane opens to you for traffic in your direction
    The left lane for traffic in your direction.
    The right lane for traffic in your direction
  24. You are being chased by a police vehicle with its lights and sirens activated. You ignore the warnings to stop and speed away. During the chase, a person is seriously injured. You are subject to:
    Imprisonment in a state prison for up to seven years.
    A fine of not less than $1000
    Attending an anger-management class
  25. If it starts to rain on a hot day, the road is the most slippery:
    For the first few minutes
    After it has been raining for a few hours.
    After it has stopped raining.
  26. Orange-colored road signs warn you of:
    A school zone ahead
    A traffic signal ahead
    Road workers or road equipment ahead
  27. Which of the following is true about use of your turn signals?
    You should never use both electronic and hand signals.
    If you signal for a lane change, other drivers must let you in
    You must always signal for lane changes
  28. Weaving in and out of freeway lanes during heavy traffic:
    Improves traffic flow by creating space for others to merge
    Causes further traffic congestion by slowing down other vehicles.
    Increase fuel efficiency.
  29. In California, anyone who drives a motor vehicle has consented to take a chemical test for the alcohol content of his or blood, breathe, or urine:
    If asked by law enforcement
    Only if you have been drinking alcohol
    Only if a collision has occurred
  30. When driving a vehicle with air bags, you are safest when seated:
    At least 10 inches away from the steering wheel.
    Within 6 1/2 inches of the steering wheel.
    With your head positioned directly above the steering wheel
  31. Which statement is true about motorcyclists and motorists?
    Motorcyclists are not allowed to drive faster than other traffic during congested road conditions
    Motorcyclists have the same rights/responsibilities as other motorists
    Motorcyclists are heavier than other vehicles and are less affected by wind/rain